"La parenthèse marocaine de Bernard Boutet de Monvel"
(Bernard Boutet de Monvel's Moroccan period) in Maroc les trésors du royaume (Morocco the treasures of the kingdom) – catalogue from the exhibition at the Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Museum of Fine Arts) in the City of Paris 1999
"Boutet de Monvel décorateur" (Decorator Boutet de Monvel)
in L'oeil No.513 February 2000
"Bernard Boutet de Monvel" Monography.
Preface by Pierre Rosenberg from the Académie Française (a prestigious Paris-based learned society). Amateur publications 2001
"Bernard Boutet de Monvel Retrospective".
Catalogue for the Mona Bismarck Foundation 2001
"Bernard Boutet de Monvel - Madam Serge André"
in Tableaux de chasse (Hunting paintings), paintings for the Vénerie museum. Somogy publications 2001
"Le maître de la ligne" (Master of the line) in AD France No.11 April 2001
"High Society Portraits of Bernard Boutet de Monvel"
FMR No.60 June/July 2001
"Bernard Faucon - Le temps d'après" (The time after)
Collection of Thirty of the artist's original photos. Preface by Christian Caujolle. Dragon de Bois publications 2005
"Marianne Haas - X ray Flower"
Collection of twelve of the artist's original photos. Preface by Jacques Grange. Dragon de Bois publications
"Arta, prin ochii unui specialist - Calatoresc prin intermediul operelor de arta"
in Adeverul Literar & Artistic. Wednesday 9 December 2009.
"Stéphane-Jacques Addade – Self-portrait"
French Institute in Bucharest January/ February 2010
"Asediul Parisului in Fotografii".
Extract from the "Hippolyte Blancard ou l'esthétique d'une capitale en ruine" (Hippolyte Blancard or the aesthetics of a capital in ruins) lecture in Istoric magazine September 2010.
Dernière modification par Stéphane-Jacques Addade, le 12/06/2015